KATELAN BRAYMER has been designing Lighting professionally since 2007, for Theatre, Dance, and Opera performance. She grew up near Portland, OR and is currently based out of Los Angeles. Katelan is the Associate Technical Director for Lighting & Stage at The UCLA Nimoy Theater which opened in September of 2023.
Katelan has traveled throughout the USA and Internationally (including tours in Brazil, Finland, and Panama) as Lighting Designer, Lighting Supervisor, Production Manager, and Technical Director. Katelan has worked with numerous Companies, Directors and Choreographers, including David Rousseve, Geoff Sobelle, Bart DeLorenzo, Michaela Taylor, Mammalian Diving Reflex, and Pat Kinevane, with work at theaters including BAM, Jacobs Pillow, Kirk Douglas Theatre, 59E59, MCA Chicago, On the Boards, and SFMoMA.

Katelan graduated from Lewis and Clark in 2007 with a B.A. in International Affairs, minoring in Theatre Design and Portland State in 2009 with a B.A. in Theatre with an emphasis on Lighting Design.
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